Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Redeeming Love

I read this book several years ago and still think about it. I have been a Christian most of my life and the story of Hosea and Gomer had always puzzled me. Why on earth would God ask him to marry a prostitute? Why would she reject his love and continue to go back to her old life? To choose that? Francine Rivers beautifully depicts this story in a way that makes sense to the modern mind. It is heartbreaking, amazing....redeeming.

A Mile Wide

Yes, I realize it's been a hundred years since I've posted, but the bookworm in me has been busy! 

I fell in love with Jen Hatmaker's books a few years ago. So my love for her, obviously, includes anyone in her sphere of influence and love. Brandon writes with as much "realness" as his wife. I found myself saying, "Yep! That's EXACTLY how I feel!" He speaks with honesty and a realness that is rare. Such a good book for those who are seeking truth and longing for more than just religion.

5 outta 5 for this one!