Tuesday, February 21, 2017

it was amazing
I want to preface this review by saying that I received an ARC for my open and honest review. However, it wouldn't matter if it were free or if I had paid a bagillion dollars, my opinion doesn't change...this book RUINED me! I have zero tissues left in my room and my sleeve is covered in snot. Thanks.

This mama's arms ached to reach through the pages and rock this tired, abused little girl. Soothe her tender teenaged heart. Listen and ease the anger of her adult grief. I wanted to clasp her hands and dance around the room and rejoice with her in triumph!

Anna's story isn't just words on a page that happened in someone's head for a fictional book. It happened in real life to Anna and her siblings. It was real. This story, that should be a movie by the way, is heart wrenching, soul searching and victorious. I'm so inspired and so incredibly proud of you, Anna!